civil engineering
Beset by warnings from the City, and worried about the potential for collapse, Mr. Hunt called Doak Engineering design, PC to design the replacement of his severely deteriorated roof/sidewalk in front of his business.
Mr. Hunt’s basement extends to the curb-line while the main building sets back 16’ with the Cities sidewalk crossing over the top of it, apparently the result of a ROW dispute of long ago. Regardless, Mr. Hunt faced the challenge and cost of replacing the roof/sidewalk while maintaining sidewalk and business traffic during construction.
We placed a new fiber-reinforced seven (7) inch concrete roof/sidewalk supported by stay-in-place forms and new structural steel framing. During construction, we designed a temporary bridge to maintain traffic to the business while we designed a Maintenance & Protection Plan to maintain sidewalk through-traffic. We placed temporary concrete barriers around the sidewalk opening to prevent errant vehicles from falling into the basement and protective railings to prevent falls from the curious on-lookers. We also constructed a temporary basement security wall to thwart would-be thieves.
location: BINGHAMTON, NY